
Rocky Mountain Grandeur

After a drive into boulder with incredible views and a meeting with the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, we had what would be our first taste of Boulder hospitality.  Charlie Lindgren at The Studio was kind enough to meet with us at the drop of a hat and show us their space.  The Studio is a coworking space catered toward creative individuals.  Those who work there range from sculptors to engineers as well as others.  Once we had been given the tour, chatted, and seen some pretty amazing things like a lazer harp Charlie recommended we go next door to check out Sanitas Brewing Company.  One of their founders, Michael Memsic, was gracious enough to show us around and tell his story.  He previously worked for another brewing company in the area, but decided to start his own.  What is amazing is that the other “competing” breweries helped them.  The guys at Sanitas got much of their equipment from the other companies at a discounted rate, and even collaborated on brews.  Michael said that he saw the market as an us (craft beer) vs. them (domestic beers) instead of all the small breweries competing.


Inside The Studio


Inside The Studio







The following day I spent most of my time exploring the city, with special attention to pearl street.  Myself and others went into various shops and talked to the workers and owners about having a business in Boulder, and their thoughts on the startup community.  The majority responded with love for the city, while others showed signs of dissent.


Me with a katana


The Boulder Bookstore

The Boulder Bookstore








Next we continued our journey into the mountains, which was incredible.  The pictures do not do it justice, but you will get the idea.

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Hiking in the mountains was amazing.

Finally after more meetings with some exceptional people (Daniel Epstein, Dale Meyer, and Jason Mendelson) part of the crew decided to spend a bit more time exploring CU at Boulder.  We happened upon perhaps one of the lesser known, but definitely not less astounding things in town.  At Fiske Planetarium the benevolent Jonathan guided us on a journey from our sun to the edge of the universe.  He also gave us some exclusive peeks at films in 8K definition and the planetarium musical experience.  He also shared his thoughts with us about how Boulder is not a green as it thinks it is and also how it is not as good at beer as it thinks it is, and attributed it to the “Boulder Bubble.”  10/10 would return to Fiske Planetarium.





Jonathan et al.



Posted in Boulder.
