Back to Starting Gate

Prior to the class’s second meeting with the Kalamazoo startup community on Friday,  January 30th, the class revised a framework that was created before the trips to Boulder, CO and Austin, TX. The framework was intended to define and describe the elements that drive a successful startup community. The revision process was a great opportunity for my […]

It’s just the beginning!

About two months ago we first met with our local Kalamazoo community to get a better understanding of what is going on in the Kalamazoo startup scene. Back then, we had little knowledge of entrepreneurship  and startup communities but we were all eager and excited for the opportunity to go visit and meet with entrepreneurs, startups, venture capitalists, […]

Startup community framework and DASH

On Friday, March 27th, my classmates went to Starting Gate to present our framework for factors that affect the vibrancy of startup communities.  This meeting was with 30 members of the Kalamazoo community, including the mayor of Kalamazoo, Bobby Hopewell.  My classmates explained what we have found in our travels to Austin and Boulder that […]

The Aftermath and Then…

After the spring break trip (to Boulder and Austin), I find myself back in normal life, with responsibilities, due dates, routine… I also find myself still reflecting on what I lived and learned during the trips. Talking to people and seeing them work in their own environment was a great experience that takes learning to a whole […]

The Good life

In our quest to find the factors making start up ecosystems in Austin and Boulder thrive, I couldn’t help but notice how ‘quality of life’ kept on being mentioned by almost everyone we visited. Almost all the entrepreneurs who had moved to these areas said that the quality of life is what attracted them there.Which […]